Biografie von Norio AZUMA (1928-2004)

Birth place: Kii-Nagashima-cho, Japan

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Serigrapher, painter

Studied: Kanazawa Art Col, Japan, BFA; Chouniard Art Inst., Los Angeles, Calif.; ASL

Exhibited: Int. Print Show, SAM, 1960 (award); Corcoran Gal., 1963; Third Int. Triennial Original Graphic, Grenchen, Switz., 1964; MOMA, Tokyo Exhib., 1965; Sculpture and Prints, WMAA, 1966; Print Exhib., Soc. Am. Graphic Artists, 1968 (award); Print Exhib., Boston Printmakers, 1970 (award); Silkscreen, History of a Medium, PMA, 1972; AAA Gallery, NYC, 1970s; Weinger Gallery, NYC, 1970s; Fendrick Gallery, Wash., DC., 1970s.

Member: Soc. Am. Color Prints; Print Club; Soc. Am. Graphic Artists; Print Coun. Am.

Work: Nat Collection Fine Arts, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, DC; WMAA; PMA; BM; AIC. Commissions: 1500 serigraph prints, IBM Corp., NY, 1966.

Comments: Preferred media: oils.

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