Biografie von William TIMMINS (1872-1959)

Birth place: Chicago, IL

Addresses: Noroton, CT; Carmel, CA

Profession: Painter, illustrator, designer

Studied: Am. Acad. Art, Chicago; ASL, with George Bridgman; Grand Cent. Art Sch., New York, with Harvey Dunn & Mario Cooper.

Exhibited: Perry House Gallery, 1969 (solo), 1970s; Carmel Valley Gallery, Carmel Valley, CA, 1970s

Member: SI; Westport AA; Carmel Art Assn.; Soc. Western Artists.

Work: House of Four Winds, Calif. Hist. Bldg., Monterey. Commissions: mural, Independent Savings & Loan Assn., Salinas, CA, 1972; also many comns. for pvt. portraits & paintings.

Comments: Preferred media: oils. Publications: illusr., Robin Hood and His Merry Men" 1956; "Cowboys," 1958; Boy Scout Handbook, 1968 & Winnie the Pooh, Western Publ., 1968. National ads. in newspapers, magazines and direct mail."

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