Biografie von Lamar William DODD (1909-1996)

Birth place: Fairburn, GA

Addresses: NYC; Athens, GA

Profession: Painter, educator, lecturer

Studied: Georgia Inst. Technology, 1926-27; ASL, New York, with George Luks, Boardman Robinson, John Steuart Curry, Jean Charlot & George Bridgeman, 1929-33; LaGrance College, L.H.D., 1949; Univ. Chattanooga, D.F.A., 1959; Univ. Florida, D.F.A.

Exhibited: SSAL, 1931 (prize), 1940 (prize); PAFA, 1933-66; AIC, 1934-37, 1940-42, 1949, 1936 (prize); S.Indp.A., 1935; Alabama Art Lg., 1936 (prize); Corcoran Gal, 1937-53; WMAA, 1937-56 (Biennials), 1958 (purchase prize); WFNY, 1939 (prize); GGE, 1939; IBM (prize); Telfair Academy of Art, 1941 (prize); Nat. Arts Club, 1954 (award); Assn. Georgia A.; NAD; PMA; VMFA; CI; NYWCC; AFA; CAM; Califiornia WC Soc.; MMA; Birmingham AC; Syracuse Mus. of FA; RISD; Am. Academy of Arts & Letters; Am. Fedn. Arts; AWCS; Brooklyn Mus; Salons of Am.

Member: NYWCC; SSAL; Assoc. Nat. Academy of Design; Col. Art Assn. Am.; Southeastern Art Assn.; Assn. Georgia Artists; Athens Art Assn.; plus others.

Work: MMA; AIC; PAFA; AIC; Atlanta Art Inst; Montclair Art Mus.

Comments: Known as Lamar Dodd. Painting locations include Monhegan Island (Me.). Teaching: lecturer, USA, Denmark, Germany, Turkey, Italy, Austria & Greece; assoc. prof. of art, Univ. Georgia, 1937-40, regent's prof. art, Lamar Dodd prof. art, head dept. art & chmn. division of fine arts, 1940-; lecturer, United Chapter Phi Beta Kappa, 1967-68. Positions: president, Col. Art Assn. Am., 1954-56; member, US Dept. State Committee Arts Tour, India, Thailand, Belgium, Japan, Korea, Manila & others, 1958; NASA artist, Apollo 7 & 10, 1968-1969. Publications: illustrator, The Savannah and the Santee, Rivers of Am Series; contributor, Col. Art J., Book Knowledge & others.

Sources: WW73; Monroe Wheeler, in: Painters and Sculptors of Modern America, Crow; Curtis, Curtis, and Lieberman, 65, 75, 102, 137, 182; Falk, Exhibition Records Series<.P>

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