Biografie von William Theophilus BROWN (1919-2012)

Birth place: Moline, IL

Addresses: Malibu, CA

Profession: Painter, teacher

Studied: Yale Univ., B.A.; Ozenfant School A.; Univ. California, Berkeley, M.A., and with Leger.

Exhibited: Minneapolis AI, 1945-1957; West Coast Artists traveling exh.; SFMA; Santa Barbara Mus. Art, 1957, 1959; solo: (2) Kornblee Gal., New York; (5) Landau Gal., Los Angeles; SFMA. Awards: prize Barnsdal Park, Los Angeles, 1962.

Work: Oakland Art Mus.; SFMA; CPLH; Davenport Municipal Art Gal.

Comments: Contributor to Life Magazine of color reproductions of football paintings, 1956. Positions: instr., drawing and painting, UC Berkeley; UC Davis Campus; San Fran. Inst. Art; Stanford Univ.

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