Biografie von Alice Pauline SCHAFER (1899-1980)

Birth place: Albany, NY

Death place: Albany?

Addresses: Albany

Profession: Printmaker

Studied: Albany Sch. FA (grad. cum laude).

Exhibited: S. Indp. A., 1940; Albany Print Club, 1940-69; Cooperstown, NY, 1949-69; 3rd Nat.Buffalo (NY) PM, 1940; 123rd Ann., NAD, 1949; Royal Soc., Exchange, London, 1954; SAFA 1947-69 & SAGA 51st Ann., New York, 1971; NAWA, 1951-69 & NAWA 83rd Ann., 1972. Awards: Alice Standist Buell Mem. Award for The Music Shell, Pen & Brush Club, 1965; gold medal for Going to St. Ives, AAPL, 1966; John Taylor Mem. Prize for Some Journeys Begin, Print Club Albany, 1968; June 1 Gal., Bethlehem, CT, & Wash., DC, 1978, 1981.

Member: Print Club Albany (pres., 1950); Southern Vermont Artists; SAGA; NAWA; SMPS&G Wash., DC.

Work: MMA; Southern Vermont AC, Manchester, VT; NYPL; Hunt Bot Lib., Carnegie-Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA; Butler IA. Commissions: etchings, facade, Nat. Commercial Bank & Trust, Albany, 1950 & Doll Lady, Print Club Albany, 1961.

Comments: Preferred media: wood, linoleum. Positions: registrar, Albany Inst. Hist. & Art, 1952-64. Collection: contemporary printmakers.

Sources: WW73; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists.

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