Biografie von Eyvind EARLE (1916-2000)

Birth place: New York, NY

Addresses: Northridge, CA; Solvang, CA, in 1974

Profession: Designer, painter, comm a, illustrator

Studied: Art Center School, Los Angeles, with Lorsen Feitelsen; also with Ferdinand Earle.

Exhibited: Los Angeles MA, 1948; Boise, ID, 1938; Nat. Orange Show, 1957; Calif. Art Club, 1945, 1948, 1949; solos: Charles Morgan Gal., NY, 1937, 1938, 1939; also in Los Angeles, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1948, 1949-1957. Awards: MMA, 1940; Probst award, 1949.

Member: Calif. Art Club.

Work: MMA; mural, U.S. Navy, Jacksonville, FL, and in private homes.

Comments: Son of Ferdinand Earle, a painter (see entry), he went to live with his mother, a concert pianist in Hollywood at the start of the Depression. He painted in Mexico in 1936 and toured the U.S. by bicycle in 1937. He served in WWII as a conscientious objector. He designed popular greeting cards in 1946. Positions: art director, color stylist, Walt Disney Studios, 1953-57; art director, John Sutherland Prod., 1958. In 1961 he established his own animation motion picture company. Earle continued to paint landscapes, in acrylics before 1971 and in oil after that time. Illustrator: In Norway," 1948; "Peter Pan," 1952. Designer of several hundred cards for Am. Art Group, NY.

Sources: WW59; P&H Samuels, 149."

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