Biografie von Earl Edward SANBORN (1890-1937)

Birth place: Lyme, NH

Addresses: Annisquam, Wellesley Hills, MA

Profession: Painter, teacher, designer

Studied: BMFA Sch., with Burbank, Tarbell, Benson, Paxton.

Exhibited: S. Indp. A., 1917; PAFA Ann., 1918; Boston Tercentenary Exh., 1931 (gold). Award: BMFA traveling scholarship, 1914-16.

Member: Boston AC; Stained Glass Assn. of Am.; Rockport AA.

Work: stained glass, National Cathedral, Wash., DC; Trinity Col., Chapel, Hartford, CT; Boston Col. Library, Boston, MA; St. Margaret's Convent, Boston

Sources: WW33; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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