Biografie von Abbott Fuller GRAVES (1859-1936)

Birth place: Weymouth, MA

Addresses: Boston/Kennebunkport, MA

Profession: Painter, decorator

Studied: Cormon, Laurens, and Gervais, all in Paris.

Exhibited: NAD, 1892; PAFA, 1895, 1913-14, 1924; Paris Salon, 1899; Boston AC, 1895-1909; Expo des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1905 (medal); SC, 1933 (prize).

Member: ANA, 1926; SC, 1909; Paris AAA; All. Artist Am.; NAC; Artists Fund; Boston AC; Boston SWC; CAFA; Copley Soc.; North Shore AA

Work: NAC, New York; Portland (ME) Art Mus.

Comments: Chiefly known for his decorative work, still life, garden, and figure paintings. Specialty: colonial doorways. He painted in Bermuda c.1900. Previous WWW listed as having attended MIT; however, MIT has no record of his attendance. Graves began teaching at Cowles Art School, Boston. He then opened his own art school in Boston in 1891, later moving it to Kennebunkport, ME, and closing it in 1902. He continued his travels between New England and Paris, working as a commercial illustrator for French magazines from 1902-05.

Sources: WW33; Fink, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons, 347; 300 Years of American Art, 537; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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