Biografie von Walter Langley ADAMS (1897-c.1962)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: White Plains, NY, 1947; Irvington, NY

Profession: Painter, lecturer, educator

Studied: Sorbonne, Paris; Univ. Pa.; ASL; NAD; with Ten Brook, Coombs, Metcalf.

Exhibited: Sorbonne, Paris, 1919, 1950; NAD, 1922-1924; Albemarle AA, 1937-1938; Westchester A. & Crafts, 1942-1946; Contemporary Cl., 1946; The Hague, Holland, 1952; Tel-Aviv, Israel, 1954; Rome, Italy, 1955. Awards: Whitman Gold Medal, N.Y., 1916.

Member: Soc. Am. A.; Albemarle AA; Assn. Contemp. Am. A.; Hudson Valley AA; Westchester A. & Crafts.

Work: Fields Gal., Chicago; Hudson Gal., Detroit; priv. colls.

Comments: Position: hd., Adult Painting & Fine Arts, Greenburg School, N.Y.

Sources: WW59; WW47.

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