Biografie von James Edward FITZGERALD (1899-1971)

Birth place: Boston, MA

Death place: Isle of Aran, Ireland

Addresses: Monterey, CA/Monhegan, ME, 1943

Profession: Painter

Studied: Mass. School Art; School Boston MFA; Armin Hansen in Monterey, CA

Exhibited: Santa Cruz State Wide Exh., 1930 (prize); 1935 (prize), 1939 (prize); GGE, 1939; Stendahl Galleries, Los Angeles, 1940 (solo); Gleason FA, Boothbay, ME, 1998

Member: Calif. WCS; Carmel AA

Work: Monterey H.S.

Comments: After serving in the marines in the First World War, Fitzgerald studied art. He took many trips to Jamaica, Nova Scotia, the Canary Islands and the Isle of Aran. Also among his favored locations was Monhegan Island (ME). Living in Monterey, CA, Fitzgerald was a member of a group of writers and artists that included Robinson Jeffers and John Steinbeck. Specialty: seascapes, coastals and street scenes.

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists in California, 183; Curtis, Curtis, and Lieberman, 34, 63, 143, 172, 182.

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