Biografie von Alice R. HARDWICK (1876-?)

Birth place: Chicago, IL

Addresses: Annisquam, Boston, MA

Profession: Painter, writer, teacher

Studied: ASL; DuMond; B. Harrison; M. Hardwick; Holland and Belgium

Exhibited: NYC and Phila. galleries; Copley Gal., Boston, 1927 (solo); Soc. Indep. Artists, 1917, 1918; PAFA, 1928

Member: Springfield AL; North Shore AA; Copley Soc.; AFA; Soc. Indep. Artists

Comments: She and her husband took several trips to Holland and Belgium, where they both painted local scenes.

Sources: WW33; Art by American Women: ...the Collection of L.and A. Sellars, 70; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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