Biografie von Edith Cleaves BARRY (1883-1969)

Birth place: Boston, MA

Death place: Biddeford, ME

Addresses: NYC; Kennebunk, ME

Profession: Painter, sculptor, designer, educator, museums director

Studied: ASL; N.Y. Inst. FA; Paris, France; Rome, Italy.

Exhibited: Whitney Studio (prize); CAFA, 1916 (prize), 1921 (prize), 1922 (prize), 1938 (prize), 1940; Montclair A. Mus., 1928 (med.); Portland (Maine) SA, 1915; NAWA, 1916, 1922, 1926, 1932, 1942, 1945; Yale Mus. FA, 1916; Albright A. Gal., 1922; All. A. Am., 1942; AIC; Corcoran Gal., 1921-23; NAD; Arch. Lg.; PAFA, 1923, 1938; Salons of Am.; S.Indp.A.

Member: NAWA; All. A. Am.; NSMP; CAFA; NAC; AAPL.

Work: Portraits in public bldgs., murals in Maine and New York: Dartmouth; Dyer Lib., York Nat. Bank, Saco, Maine; USPO, Kennebunk, Maine; AAPL; Soldiers & Sailors Cl., NYC.

Comments: Position: founder, Brick Store Museums, Kennebunk, Me., director, 1936-46; dir., Workshop of the Brick Store Museum.

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