Biografie von Frederic Tanqueray ANDERSON (1846-1926)

Birth place: New Gascony, Jefferson County, AR

Death place: Larchmont, NY

Addresses: New Orleans, 1856; Arkansas, 1860; Memphis, TN, 1870-c.89; France, c.1889-94; Memphis, 1894; Rye, NY

Profession: Painter

Studied: Camille Pissaro, France (c.1889-94)

Exhibited: Brooks Mem. Art Mus., Memphis, 1945 (retrospective); Southeast Arkansas Arts & Science Center, Pine Bluff, 1983 (retrospective)

Work: Tennessee State Mus.

Comments: Anderson was noted for watercolors of Mississippi River scenes and steamboats. In c.1874 he received public recognition as an artist. Upon his return from Europe he became a contributor to Harper's Weekly and other illustrated magazines. At President Theodore Roosevelt's request he painted the steamboat New Orleans.

Sources: Encyclopaedia of New Orleans Artists, 8; Kelly, Landscape and Genre Painting in Tennessee, 1810-1985," 99 (w/repro.)"

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