Biografie von Peter MAVERICK (1780-1831)

Birth place: NYC

Death place: NYC

Addresses: NYC (except for years in Newark, NJ, 1809-20)

Profession: Engraver and lithographer

Studied: learned engraving in the shop of his father, Peter Rushton Maverick.

Member: N.A. (was a member from its founding.)


Comments: Son of Peter Rushton Maverick, he published his first work at the age of nine. He established his own business in NYC in 1802. He moved to Newark, NJ, 1809, setting up shop there, while maintaining an office in NYC. During this period Asher B. Durand became his apprentice and, from 1817 to 1820, his partner. Maverick returned to NYC in 1820 and took up lithography, becoming one of the country's early lithographers and publishing, in 1824, the plates for the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. During his lifetime he engraved or lithographed about 1500 bookplates, band notes, maps, and books and magazine illustrations. He also engraved portraits. Maverick remained in NYC until his death. Among his many pupils were Robert C. Bruen and John W. Casilear, as well as his own children: Peter, Jr., Catharine, Emily, Maria Ann, and Octavia Maverick. Engravers Samuel and Andrew Maverick were his brothers, Samuel R., Andrew R., and Aaron Howell Maverick his nephews, and Ann Anderson Maverick his niece by marriage.

Sources: G&W; Stephens, The Mavericks; Stauffer; DAB; Cowdrey, NAD; Cowdrey, AA & AAU. More recently, see Baigell, Dictionary.

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