Biografie von John LITTLE (1907-1984)

Birth place: Sanford, AL

Addresses: East Hampton, NY

Profession: Painter, sculptor

Studied: Buffalo Fine Arts Acad; ASL, with George Grosz; Hans Hofmann Sch. Fine Arts, NYC, & Provincetown, MA.

Exhibited: major solo shows, CPLH, 1946 & Betty Parsons Gal., NYC, 1948; Osaka Festival (Gutai Group), Japan, 1958; G. David Thompson Coll., exhibited Kunstmuseum, Düsseldorf, Ger., The Hague, Holland & Guggenheim Mus., 1959; Panorama, Gal. Beyeler, Basel, Switz., 1961; Sachs Gal., NYC, 1970s. Awards: Anne Bremer Mem. Prize, SFMA Ann., 1948; purchase prize, Longview Found., 1962.

Member: Smithsonian Inst.

Work: Ball State Univ., Muncie, Ind.; Guild Hall, East Hampton, NY; Berkeley Art Mus., Calif.; Dillard Univ., New Orleans, La.

Comments: Preferred media; oils, bronze. Positions: treas., Signa Gal., East Hampton, NY, 1957-61. Teaching: lectr. painting, UC Berkeley, spring 1963 & Long Island Univ., summer 1967. Publications: auth., "Statement of the Artist," It Is, 1959.

Sources: WW73; Hans Namuth, "Image From the Sea," Film Images, New York, 1954-55.

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