Biografie von Garth WILLIAMS (1912-1996)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: NYC; Guanajuato, Mexico

Profession: Illustrator, designer, sculptor, painter, cartoonist

Studied: Westminster Sch. Art, London, England; Royal College Art, London, spec. talent scholarship painting & exten. scholarship, ARCA.

Exhibited: Royal Acad. Arts Ann., London, 1933-35, 1938, 1941; Exh. Original Textile Designs, Cotton Bd., Cent. Gallery, Manchester, England, 1941; Am.-British AC, 1942. Awards: Prix de Rome for sculpture, Soc. Rome Scholarship, London, 1936.

Comments: Publications: illustr., Stuart Little, 1945, Charlotte's Web,1952 & The Little House books, 1953, Harper & Row; author & illustr., The Adventures of Benjamin Pink, 1951 & The Rabbit's Wedding, 1958, Harper & Row. Cartoonist: New York, Tomorrow.

Sources: WW73; WW47.

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