Biografie von Margaret Newton ALLEN (c.1894-1988)

Birth place: Lincoln, MA

Addresses: Lafayette, LA/Cohasset, MA, in 1947; Sarasota, FL, as of 1973

Profession: Sculptor, painter, educator

Studied: BMFA Sch.; Naum Los Sch., Brit. Acad., Rome, with Naum Los; Frederick Allen; Charles Grafly; Bela Pratt; Venturini School Encaustic Painting, Rome; marble carving at Gelli Studio, Querceta, Italy

Exhibited: Jr. Lg., Boston, 1929 (prize); NAD; PAFA; BMFA; CPLH; Phila. A. All.; AGA; Mus. FA, Houston (solo); Dallas Mus. FA.; SAM; Joslyn Mem.; Currier Gal.; Clearwater Art Mus.; San Diego FA Soc., 1939-40; NY Archit. League; Addison Gal. Am. Art, Andover, MA; AIC.

Member: NSS; Boston SS; St. Augustine AC; Nat. League Am. Pen. Women; Ringling Mus.; New England Assn. Contemp. Sculpture; Sarasota AA

Work: church, Winchester, MA; Clearwater Art Mus.; Dallas Mus. Fine Arts; MoMA, Mexico City; CPLH; Butler IA; CM; Art Mus. New Mexico, Santa Fe. Commissions: 34 terra-cotta reliefs, First Nat. Bank, Lafayette, LA; bronze eagle, New Iberia Bank, Iberia, LA; USS Constitution (bronze mem. plaque), US Navy; ; HMS Dragon; war mem., Cohasset, MA; garden fountains, Texas, Massachusetts, Bermuda & others; many portrait commissions in bronze.

Comments: Specialized in portraits, bas-reliefs, garden sculptures, civic memorials. Preferred media: bronze, terra-cotta. Lectures: The Indians of Mexico. Position: teacher, Southwestern Louisiana Inst., Lafayette, 1943-. Known under names of Newton, Shaw, and Allen.

Sources: WW73; WW47

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