Biografie von Robert CLARK (1920-1997)

Birth place: Minneapolis, MN

Addresses: Cambria, CA

Profession: Painter, lecturer

Studied: Minneapolis School Art; Walker Gallery Art School, Minneapolis.

Exhibited: Artists of Los Angeles & Vicinity Ann., LACMA, 1955-58 (award, 1955); Illusion & Reality, Santa Barbara (CA) Mus. Art, 1956; CPLH, 1956 (solo); Charles & Emma Frye Mus., Seattle, WA, 1957-58; John & Mabel Ringling Mus., Sarasota, FL, 1959; Zantman Art Galleries, Carmel, CA, 1970s. Awards: purchase award, Palos Verdes Estates Art Gallery, 1956.

Member: AAPL; Am. Inst. Fine Arts (fellow)

Work: Palos Verdes Estates (CA) Art Gal.; LACMA; Norton B. Simon, Inc. & Hunt's Foods & Industs. Foundation, Los Angeles. Commissions: mural, The Resurrection, Forest Lawn Mem. Park, Glendale, CA, 1965.

Comments: Preferred media: tempera, watercolor, oil. Positions: background artist, Natural Hist. Dept., LACMA, 1954-62.

Sources: WW73; Janice Lovoos, The Tempera Paintings of Robert Clark," Am. Artist (Dec., 1969)."

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