Biografie von Emma EHRENREICH (1906-?)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter

Studied: City College New York; Long Island Univ.; Hunter College; NAD; Brooklyn Mus.; New School Social Res.; ASL; also with Abraham Rattner, Morris Davidson & Robert Motherwell.

Exhibited: Artists League Am., 1946; Brooklyn Mus. Invitational Int. Exhibs., 1953-61 (five exhibs.); Contemporary Arts Gallery, New York, 1953-63 (eight solos); Silvermine Guild for Artists, CT, 1958; Gallerie Vendome, Pittsburgh, PA, 1965; Beryl Mills, NYC, 1970s. Awards: medal of honor in casein, Brooklyn Soc. Artists, 1951; purchase award for oil painting, Riverside Mus., 1960; medal of honor for oil painting, Audubon Artists, 1962.

Member: College Art Assn. Am.; Audubon Artists; NAWA (chmn., oil jury, 1970-72); New York Soc. Women Artists (public relations, 1960-72); Am. Soc. Contemporary Artists (membership chmn., 1970-72).

Work: Rose Art Mus., Brandeis Univ., Boston; Denver (CO) Mus. Art; Portland (OR) Mus.; Norfolk (VA) Mus. Arts & Sciences; Glickenstein Mus., Safed, Israel.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, acrylics. Teaching: lectures on modern art, Board Educ., NYC H.S.s, 1964-68.

Sources: WW73; Margaret Harold, Prize-Winning Watercolors (Allied Publ., 1962).

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