Biografie von Margaret Bosshardt PACE (1919)

Birth place: San Antonio, TX

Addresses: San Antonio, TX

Profession: Designer, painter

Studied: Newcomb College (B.F.A.); Trinity Univ.; Will Stevens; Etienne Ret; Xavier Gonzalez.

Exhibited: Texas Ann, 1958-59 & 1969; Invitational Contemp. Artists Group, Mexico City Consulate, 1965 & 1968; Religious Art, Hemisfair, 1968; Trinity Univ., San Antonio, 1969; Artists Inst. Texas Cult., 1969. Awards: Henry Steinbomer Award, Texas WCS, 1949 & 1966; Grumbacher Purchase Award, 1960; Richard Kleberg Purchase Award, 1960

Member: San Antonio Art Lg. (bd. mem., 1967-68); Texas FAA; Texas WCS; Contemp. Artists Group; San Antonio Craft Guild

Work: Commissions: murals, recreation room, Victoria Plaza, Golden Age Center, 1960; mosaic murals, St. Lukes Episcopal Church, San Antonio, 1959, Episcopal Diocesan Center, Diocese of West Texas, 1961 & Episcopal Cathedral, 1965; designed & executed chalice, pattern & pix, ordination of Father Braun, Pinckneyville, IL, 1969.

Comments: Positions: bd. mem. & vice-pres., San Antonio Art Inst.; bd. mem., Friends of McNay Mus., San Antonio, 1967-72; Southwest Craft Center, 1969-73. Teaching: Incarnate Word College, 1964-65; San Antonio College, 1965-72.

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