Biografie von David PARRISH (1939)

Birth place: Birmingham, AL

Addresses: Huntsville, AL

Profession: Painter

Studied: Univ. Alabama with Melville Price & Richard Brough (B.F.A.)

Exhibited: Documenta & No. Documenta Realists, Gal. Gestlo, Hamburg, Germany, 1972; "Sharp Focus Realism," Sidney Janis Gal., NYC, 1972; "Painting & Sculpture Today," Indianapolis Mus. Art, 1972; "Phases of New Realism," Lowe Mus., Coral Gables, FL, 1972; "Realists Revival," AFA. Traveling Show, 1972-73; French & Co, Inc., NYC, 1970s. Awards: award of merit, 23rd Southeastern Ann. Exh., High Mus., Atlanta, GA, 1968; top award, 61st Ann. Jury Exh., Birmingham Mus. Art, 1969; top award, Mid-South Ann., Brooks Mem. Art Gal., 1970.

Work: Brooks Mem. Art Gal., Memphis, TN; Parthenon, Nashville, TN; Monsanto Chemical Co., Decatur, AL

Comments: Preferred medium: oils.

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