Biografie von Joseph REYNOLDS (1886-?)

Birth place: Wickford, RI

Addresses: Belmont, MA

Profession: Designer, craftsman, writer, lecturer, cartoonist

Studied: RISD

Exhibited: Boston SAC, 1929 (medal); Boston Tercentenary Expo, 1930 (gold); Paris Salon, 1937 (medal); U.S. Pavilion, Paris, France; Mus. FA, NYC; Providence Art Club.

Member: Medieval Acad.; Copley Soc., Boston; Marblehead AA; Boston SAC (master craftsmen); AFA.

Work: stained glass windows, Washington Cathedral; Mem. Chapel & Am. Church, Paris, France; Wellesley (MA) Mem. Chapel; St. George's School Chapel, Newport, RI; Princeton Chapel; churches in Pittsburgh, PA; Glens Falls, NY; Mercersburg, PA; Belleau, France;Winston-Salem, NC; Litchfield, CT; Laconia, NH; Hudson Falls, NY; Colorado College; Riverside Church, NYC; Florence Nightingale Window, Nat. Cathedral; Cathedral of St. John the Divine; church, Springfield, IL

Comments: Preferred media: stained glass. Research: medieval cathedrals; medieval stained glass. Contrib.: articles, Cathedral Age, Am. Architect, Creative Design, Stained Glass Magazine.

Sources: WW73; WW47.

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