Biografie von Trygve A ROVELSTAD (1903-1990)

Birth place: Elgin, IL

Addresses: Elgin, IL

Profession: Sculptor, medalist, designer

Studied: AIC; Univ. Wash.; also with Lorado Taft.

Exhibited: AIC; "A Thousand Years of Calligraphy & Illumination," Peabody Inst, Baltimore, 1959-60; Hudson Valley AA Ann, 1970, 1972; AAPL Grand Nat, 1971-72 (sculpture Award for Pioneer Father, 1971).

Member: AAPL; Alumni Assn Sch. AIC.

Work: Designed & ed., Am. Roll Honor World War II, Am. Chapel St. Paul's Cathedral, London, England; portrait of Sen. William Barr, Capitol Bldg., Springfield, Ill.; dedication plaque of Gov. Stratton, Ill. State Off. Bldg. Commissions: Screaming Eagle Medal, 101st Airborne Div. Assn., 1969; Captive Nations Proclamation Medal, 1969; Chicago Coin Club 50th Anniversary Medal, 1969; Chicago Fire Centennial Medal, Chicago Hist. Soc., 1971; Martin Delaney Commemorative Medal, Am. Negro Commemorative Soc., 1972.

Comments: Positions: sculptor, US War Dept, Shrivenham, Eng., 1945-46; designer-sculptor, various firms & studios; heraldic artist & medalist, Off. Qm., Wash., DC, auth & lithographer, Coast & Geodetic Surv., Map Div., Wash., DC, pres., Pioneer Mem. Found. Ill; gov., Assoc. Soc. Chicago; pres. & di.r, Pathfinder Inc., Elgin, Ill.

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