Biografie von George SWINTON (1917-2002)

Birth place: Vienna, Austria

Addresses: Winnipeg

Profession: Painter, writer

Studied: McGill Univ. (B.A., 1946); Montreal School Art & Design, 1947; ASL.

Exhibited: Winnipeg Art Gallery (2 retrospectives); 4 Canadian Biennials; 3 Montreal Spring Exhibs.; 11 Winnipeg Shows; 31 solos; Upstairs Gallery, Winnipeg, 1970s. Awards: 3 Canadian Council grants.

Work: Nat. Gallery Canada; Vancouver Art Gal.; Winnipeg Art Gal.; Hamilton Art Gal.; Confederation AC, Charlottetown.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, watercolors. Publications: author, Eskimo Sculpture/Sculpture Esquimaude," 1965; illustrator, "Red River of the North," 1967; co-author, "Sculpture/Inuit," 1971; author, "Sculpture of the Eskimo," 1972. Teaching: lecturer in art, Smith College, 1950-53; professor art, Univ. Manitoba, 1954-, adjunct professor anthropoogy, 1970-. Research: prehistoric and contemporary Eskimo art."

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