Biografie von Alfred H. WARDLE (1933)

Birth place: Englewood, NJ

Addresses: Barneveld, NY

Profession: Silversmith, jeweler

Studied: Art Inst. Pittsburgh; School Am. Craftsmen, Rochester Inst. Technology ( A.A.S. & B.S.); Syracuse Univ. School Art.

Exhibited: Smithsonian Inst. Traveling Exh., 1958; Crafts Exh., MoMA, Caracas, Venezuela, 1961; RI Arts Festival Show, Providence, 1963; Three Rivers Arts Festival, Pittsburgh, PA, 1966 (solo); Munson Williams Proctor Inst., Utica, 1968. Awards: Young Americans second prize, Mus. Contemp. Crafts, 1954; hollow-ware first prize, RI Arts Festival, 1963; crafts first prize, Syracuse Regional Art Show, 1963-65.

Member: NY State Craftsmen.

Work: Commissions: mem. punch bowl, Rochester Inst. Technology, 1956; silver chalice with gold cross, Grace Episcopal Church, Utica, NY, 1960; silver chalice, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Utica, 1962; large tree of life, Temple Addas Israel, Rome, NY, 1966; pres. mace, Mohawk Valley Community College, Utica, 1969.

Comments: Preferred media: sterling silver, gold. Positions: color coordinator, restoration committee, Unitarian Church Barneveld, NY, 1970-72. Teaching: instr. metal arts, Norwich (CT) Free Acad., 1959-60; instr. silversmithing, Munson Williams Proctor Inst., 1960-.

Sources: WW73; Nicolas Haney, Trilling & Lee, Art for Young America (Bennett Co., 1960).

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