Biografie von Janet R. MACFARLANE (1911-?)

Birth place: Rochester, NY

Addresses: Albany 4, NY

Profession: Museum director, writer, lecturer, educator, painter

Studied: Skidmore Col. (B.S.)

Exhibited: Munson-Williams-Proctor Inst., 1946-52 (purchase prize), 1953; Cooperstown AA., 1948-58; Syracuse Mus. FA, 1951; Albany Inst. Hist. & A., 1951; Soc. Four Arts, Palm Beach, 1954; Lowe Gal. A., 1954.

Member: AAMus.; Memb. Bd.: Albany Lg. A. (treas.); Albany Pr. Cl.

Work: Munson-Williams-Proctor Inst.

Comments: Positions: cur., NY State Hist. Assn. Museums (Fenimore House, Farmer's Museum), Cooperstown, NY, 1942-56; instr., Seminars in American Culture, Cooperstown, 1949-57; dir., Albany Inst. Hist. & Art, Albany, NY, 1956-. Apptd. by Dept State as participant to first UNESCO Conf. on the "Role of Museums in Education," BM, 1952; alumni trustee, Skidmore Col., 1959-63. Ed., catalog "Hudson Valley Paintings" in the Albany Institute collection (with others). Contributor to Art in America; Antiques. Lectures: American Folk Art, 18th- and 19th-centuries; American Painting, featuring Hudson Valley Group at Henry Ford Mus. & Dearborn Village, 1959. Installed Folk Art Galleries at Fenimore House, Cooperstown, NY.

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