Biografie von Marie MENKEN (1917)

Birth place: Brooklyn, NY

Addresses: Brooklyn 1, NY

Profession: Painter, craftsperson

Studied: NY Sch. Fine & Indust. Art, ASL; Joseph Hafner; Carl Link; Kenneth Hayes Miller; K.M. Ballantyne.

Exhibited: DeMotte Gal., 1940; Mus. Non-Objective Painting, 1939-41; BMFA, 1939; Inst. Mod. Art, 1940; BM, 1951; BMA, 1951; Tibor de Nagy Gal., NY, 1951 (solo); Betty Parsons Gal., 1949, 1951. Awards: Yaddo Found. scholarship, 1949, 1950; film "Dwightiana" won Creative Film Found. award, 1959.

Comments: Menken made 3 abstract films, 16 mm. (1952-55), "Visual Variations on Noguchi;" "Hurry! Hurry!;" "Glimpse of a Garden," for Gryphon Productions (all shown at Int. Experimental Film Festival, Brussels World's Fair, 1958); created sets for Willard Maas" film poems "Image in the Snow" and "Narcissus." Completed art films: "Arabesque for Kenneth Anger" (based on Alhambra, Granada, Spain), 1958; "Dwightiana" (based on work of artist Dwight Ripley), 1958; "Gee Whiz," animated film, all 1961, for Gryphon Productions.

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