Biografie von Duncan PHILLIPS (1886-c.1968)

Birth place: Pittsburgh, PA

Addresses: Wash., DC

Profession: Museum director, collector, writer, lecturer, critic, painter

Studied: Yale Univ. (B.A., hon. degree, M.A.); Kenyon Col., 1951 (D.H.L.); (D. Let.), Am. Univ., 1955 (D.H.L.), Yale Univ., 1959; officer, Legion of Honor, 1948; (D.F.A.), Windham Col., 1963.

Member: AFA; Hon. F., Berkeley Col., Yale Univ.; AAMus.; NGA, (trustee, mem.).

Comments: Founder and director of the Phillips Memorial Collection (first formed in 1918 in honor of Duncan Phillip's brother and father), the first museum devoted to modern art in the U.S. His wife Majorie Acker Phillips was Associate Director and also an artist (see entry) Other positions: trustee & member, Acquisitions Com., (from its opening to 1960), NGA, Wash., DC; chm., Com. for Modern American Paintings, Tate Gal., London, England, 1946. Ed. & contributor to: PMG publications & catalog introductions to exhibitions of Graves, Tomlin, Knaths, Dove and other painters. Contributor essays to Kenyon Review, Art, Art News and other magazines. Author: Collection in the Making," 1926; "The Artist Sees Differently," 1931; "The Leadership of Giorgione," 1937; co-author: "Daumier," 1923.

Sources: WW66; WW47."

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