Biografie von Alice ARMSTRONG (1906-?)

Birth place: Elma, NY

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter, illustrator, lithographer

Studied: Skidmore Col; ASL, with George Bridgman, George Luks; NAD, with Charles Hawthorne; Grand Central Sch. A., with Wayman Adams, Harvev Dunn; Jonas Lie.

Exhibited: Anderson Gal., 1931; NAD, 1936-38; PAFA, 1937-38; AIC, 1937-38; WFNY 1939; LOC, 1945; Florence Tricker Gal., 1939; Bronx Mus., 1945.; Village A. Center, 1946; Salons of Am.

Member: Am. A. Group.

Work: AIC; PAFA.

Comments: Illus., NY Times.

Sources: WW53; WW47; Marlor, Salons of Am.

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