Biografie von Joseph B. ABRAHAMS (1884-?)

Birth place: Grodno, Poland

Addresses: MT Kisco, NY (1947); NYC; Katonah, NY (1959)

Profession: Designer, graphic artist, illustrator, writer

Studied: NAD; ASL.

Work: Hebrew inscriptions and symbols, Temple Emanuel, NYC, and many ecclesiastical structures throughout the country; illuminations for citations and awards by educational, communal and religious institutions and public organizations, including testimonial vols. to Louis Marshall and Mrs. Felix M. Warburg; Hebrew typefaces for Classic Series (Hebrew Press, Phila.), and for complete Talmud of 30 vols. to be published in Jerusalem; stained glass windows, historic ornaments and decorations for theatres, churches, hotel interiors. Ex libris for scholars, laymen, libraries, and museums in the U.S. and abroad.

Comments: Positions: dir., Graphic Arts Studios and Graphic Arts Press, New York, 1910-; Member of Art Comm., Educational Art School; Consultant in lettering, industrial and ornamental design. Contrib.: art journals.

Sources: WW59; WW47.

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