Biografie von Rose ALBER (1931)

Birth place: Stuttgart, Germany

Addresses: New York 24, NY

Profession: Painter, teacher, designer

Studied: Akademie der Bildenden Kunst, Stuttgart and with Erich Fuchs and Willi Baumeister.

Exhibited: Dusseldorf, Germany, 1951; solo: Stuttgart, Germany, 1952; Van Diemen-Lilienfeld Gal., 1953, 1956, 1958; Rutgers Univ., 1954; Passedoit Gal., 1955; Cart Schurz Mem. Fnd., Phila., Pa., 1957.

Work: Rutgers Univ.; Santa Barbara Mus. A.; Dorr Oliver, Inc., New York

Comments: Position: des. for drapery fabrics; hd. a. dept., Dwight School of Englewood, N.J., 1954-.

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