Biografie von Bernece BERKMAN-HUNTER (1911-1988)

Birth place: Chicago, IL

Death place: NYC

Addresses: Chicago area; NYC, 1947; Bridgehampton, NY, 1959

Profession: Painter, graphic artist, designer, screenprinter, lithographer, teacher

Studied: AIC; New Sch. for Social Research; Hunter Col.; Columbia Univ., and with Rudolph Weisenborn, Stuart Davis, Ralph Mayer, Todros Geller, F. Weisenborn.

Exhibited: Am. A. Cong., 1937; Denver A. Mus., 1938; AIC, 1938 (Federal Art), 1940-41, 1947; Springfield Mus. A., 1939; WFNY, 1939; MoMA, 1940; MMA, 1942; CI, 1943; Univ. Iowa, 1943; LOC, 1945; SAM, 1946 (award), 1952; Illinois State Mus., 1940; Chicago SA; Springfield (Mass.) MFA; Weyhe Gal., 1943; BMFA, 1955; NY City Center Gal., 1954-55; NAWA, 1954-55; Boston Soc. Indp. A., 1954; AEA, (Riverside Mus.), 1951; BM; Ogunquit A. Cent.

Member: Artists Lg. Am.; Nat. Serigraph Soc.; NAWA; AEA; Boston Soc. Indp. A.; United Am. Ar., Chicago; Chicago Soc. Ar.; Am. Ar. Cong.; Women's Salon, Chicago; Chicago G. Group.

Work: Univ. Omaha; Evansville State Hospital; Kelly H.S., Chicago; AIC; CI; SAM; Univ. Iowa; Univ. Michigan; included in American Prize Prints of the 20th Century.""

Comments: Teaching: serigraphy, Hull House, Chicago. Also appears as Berkman or Hunter.

Sources: WW59; WW47

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