Biografie von Grace Elizabeth MALLON (1911-?)

Birth place: Elizabeth, NJ

Addresses: North Hollywood, CA

Profession: Illustrator, designer, painter

Studied: Newark Sch. F. & Indst. A.; Otis AI; Chouinard AI; & with Ralph Holmes, Millard Sheets; Phil Paradise.

Exhibited: Los Angeles Pub. Lib., 1939 (prize); San Fernando Valley AC, 1945 (prize); Southern Calif. AC, 1946 (prize); Riverside Mus., 1944; GGE, 1939; de Young Mem. Mus., 1937; Santa Paula, Calif, 1935-45; Calif. WCC, 1941-45; Calif. AC, 1939-41 (prize), 1942-46; Laguna Beach AA, 1939-46. Awards: med., book illus., 1937

Member: Cal. WCC; AWCS; Cal. AC; Laguna Beach AA; San Diego AA; San Fernando Valley AC.

Work: Cal. State Lib.

Comments: Illustr., First Foods of America, 1936; Near Side and Far, 1937; & other books. Position: a. dept., Universal Studios, Universal City, Cal., 1941-46; Fairbanks Film Productions, 1946-50; illustr., painter, Churchill-Wexler Film Productions, Hollywood, Cal., 1951-56. Medical illustrator, exhibitor in nat. exhs., 1958.

Sources: WW59; WW47.

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