Biografie von Lewis ANDERSON (1897-?)

Birth place: Humboldt, IA

Addresses: Kansas City, MO

Profession: Painter, sculptor

Studied: Iowa State College; Northwestern Univ., graduated 1925; Kansas City AI, 1934, 1938; pupil of Wallace Rosenbauer, Thomas Hart Benton, John Douglas Patrick & others.

Exhibited: Midwestern SA, 1937, 1939, WFNY, 1939; Iowa Art Salon, 1937 (first prize, sculpture); Third National Exhibition of Am. Artists, NYC, 1938; Assoc. of Am. Artists, NY; Pirates Alley Art Shop, New Orleans.

Comments: Served as U.S. land appraiser, 1928-33; free-lance.

Sources: WW40; Ness & Orwig, Iowa Artists of the First Hundred Years, 15.

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