Biografie von Ellen Kendall BAKER (1839-1913)

Birth place: Fairfield, NY

Death place: St. Giles, England

Addresses: Puteaux, France

Profession: Painter, engraver

Studied: Paris, with C. Muller, Paul Soyer, Harry Thompson

Exhibited: Paris Salon,1879, 1880, 1883, 1885, 1886, 1888-90, 1892-99; Munich; Berlin; St. Petersburg; NYC; Boston AC, 1886; PAFA, 1881-1898; NAD, 1898; AIC; Detroit; Pan-Am. Expo., Buffalo, 1901(prize).

Sources: WW98; WW08; Fink, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons, 317-18; Falk, Exhibition Record Series

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