Biografie von John Louis CLARKE (1881-1970)

Birth place: Highwood, MT

Death place: Cut Bank, MT

Addresses: Culver City, CA/Glacier Park, MT

Profession: Sculptor, painter

Exhibited: Helena, 1916 (solo, brought him recognition in the East); AIC; PAFA, 1917-35

Work: AIC; Mont. Hist. Soc.; Mus. Plains Indians.

Comments: (Also known as Cutapuis.) Specialized in woodcarvings (cottonwood) of western wildlife, in particular bears and mountain goats. A Blackfoot Indian, he became deaf as a child and was educated in Indian schools and, later, schools for the deaf. Began working in a Milwaukee factory as a carver of altars, c.1900; established his own studio in East Glacier, 1913.

Sources: WW25; P&H Samuels, 97-98.

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