Biografie von Sarah E. Bender DE WOLFE (1852-1935)

Birth place: Washington, DC

Death place: San Francisco, CA

Addresses: San Francisco, CA, 1865-1935

Profession: Still life painter

Studied: San Francisco School of Des., with Virgil Williams

Exhibited: San Francisco AA, annuals; Mechanics' Inst., 1883-89, 1894, 1895; Calif. State Fair, 1883, 1902; Calif. Midwinter Int. Expo, 1894

Work: Oakland Mus.

Comments: She married in 1904, but some of her 1890s paintings are already signed with her married name. Many of her early works were destroyed in the earthquake and fire of 1906. Also appears as De Wolff.

Sources: WW10; Hughes, Artists of California, 147.

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