Biografie von Geraldine R. MILLET (c.1853-1945)

Birth place: U.S.A.

Death place: NYC

Addresses: Barbizon, France; NYC, 1940-45

Profession: Painter

Studied: Wyatt Eaton, in NYC; Carolus-Duran, Merson & A. Stevens in Paris; fresco painting at Fontainebleau with Baudoin

Exhibited: Woman's AC, NYC, 1890; SNBA, 1894.

Member: Cosmopolitan Club; Colonial Dames of Am.

Comments: Married painter François Millet, brother of painter Jean François Millet.

Sources: WW31; Petteys, Dictionary of Women Artists; Fink, Am. Art at the 19th c. Paris Salons, 383.

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