Biografie von John Antonio PETRINA (1893-1935)

Birth place: Venice, Italy

Death place: Evanston, WY (automobile accident).

Addresses: San Francisco, CA; Roslyn, Brooklyn, NY

Profession: Painter, illustrator, lithographer, lecturer, writer, teacher

Studied: ASL, with Volk; Cox; Bridgman; Henry; Woodstock Colony.

Exhibited: Calif. Artists, Golden Gate Park Mem. Mus., 1916; San Francisco AA, 1919; AIC; Paris Salons; PAFA Ann., 1930

Member: Artists Gld.; Woodstock AA

Work: lithographs, Fifth Ave. Library, NYC; Brooklyn Mus.; French Gov.

Comments: Position: hd. of graphic arts, Pratt Inst. Author/illustrator: Art Work, How Produced, How Reproduced. Illustrator: Ports of France; Trails of the Troubadours, pub. Century.

Sources: WW33; Hughes, Artists in California, 436; Woodstock AA; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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