Biografie von James Colbert REID (1907-1989)

Birth place: Philadelphia, PA

Death place: Newton, PA

Addresses: Trevose, PA

Profession: Block printer, illustrator

Studied: Oakley; Pullinger; PM Sch. IA

Member: Phila. Print Club

Comments: Illustr.: The Life of Christ," and "The Song of Solomon," in wood cuts; "Mijjkel Fonhus," "Miss Tiverton," "This Wooden Pig Went With Dora," and "Swords against Carthage," mystery books by S.S. Smith; "Ringtail," by A.C. Gall; "Pogo," by J. Berger; "Wonders of Water," by M.E. Baer; "Lost Island," by N. Burglon; "Not Really," by L. Frost."

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