Biografie von George Washington NICHOLSON (1832-1912)

Birth place: Salem Cnty, NJ

Death place: Hammonton, NJ

Addresses: Philadelphia, PA (for most of his career)

Profession: Landscape painter

Studied: Isabey in Paris.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1867 ("Sketch from Nature Looking Toward Windsor Castle"); NAD, 1874 (Etretat, France); Brooklyn AA, 1875 ("Coast of France"); AIC (1900); AAS, 1902 (gold); Haseltine Art Gal., Phila.

Work: Penn. Statehouse, Harrisburg ("Washington Crossing the Delaware")

Sources: G&W; Art Annual, X (1911-12), obit.; Rutledge, PA; Falk, AIC; WW10; 300 Years of American Art, vol. 1, 249

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