Biografie von Flora MACDONALD (1904-1976)

Birth place: Denver, CO

Death place: Carmel, CA

Addresses: San Fran., CA

Profession: Painter

Studied: Armin Hansen; Florence, Italy; with André L'Hote, in Paris, France.

Exhibited: San Fran. AA, 1924; Beaux Arts Gal., San Fran., 1927.

Comments: A friend of Esther and Helen Bruton (see entries), she was also their sketching partner in Monterey. On one of her European trips in the 1920s, she married British artist Wm. Johnstone and taught at the Central School of Art in London , where he was the director. She divorced and returned to California in 1945, marrying Carl Meyer the same year. Specialty: landscapes, still lifes, cats, family portraits; watercolors & oils.

Sources: Hughes, Artists in California, 349.

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