Biografie von Julian E. YATES (1871-1953)

Birth place: Williams Mills, NC

Death place: Nantucket, MA

Addresses: Nantucket (1935-on)

Profession: Painter

Studied: Wake Forest College; Univ. Chicago (Divinity)

Exhibited: K. Taylor Gal., Nantucket; Nantucket Hist. Assn.

Work: Nantucket Hist. Assn.

Comments: An active member of Nantucket"s summer artist colony, he was an amateur of considerable talent who devoted much of his time to painting during his 18 years of retirement on the island from 1935-53. Previously an Army Colonel, he was Chief of Chaplains, 1929-35.

Sources: info. courtesy Nantucket Hist. Assn.

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