Biografie von Anthony Galen CIPRIANO (1937)

Birth place: Buffalo, NY

Addresses: New York, NY

Profession: Sculptor

Studied: Syracuse Univ, 1954; Univ Notre Dame, 1955-1958, with Ivan Mestrovic; ASL New York, 1958-1959, with George Grosz; fel Fontainebleau Sch Painting & Sculpture, France, 1960; Kokoschka Sch, Salzburg, Austria, 1961.

Exhibited: Nat Inst Arts & Lett, 1963; Bass Mus, 1965 & 1969; Salmagundi Club, 1966; Greenwich Gallery, 1968; Portraits, Inc, New York, 1969; plus others. Awards: Leopold Schrepp Found grant, 1956; Artist of the Year, Am Artists Prof League, 1963; first prize, Salmagundi Club, 1966.

Member: Salmagundi Club.

Work: Bass Mus, Miami, Fla; Gallery Mod Art, New York, NY; Huntington Hartford Collection; also pvt collections.

Comments: Teaching: Pvt classes in sculpture.

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