Biografie von David HENDRICKSON (1896-1973)

Birth place: St. Paul, MN

Addresses: Palo Alto, CA, 1947; San Diego County, 1959

Profession: Illustrator, etcher

Studied: St. Paul Inst. Art; Ecole des Beaux-Arts, France; Calif. Sch. FA; Grand Central Art Sch.; ASL; George Bridgman; Dean Cornwell; Harvey Dunn.

Exhibited: Art Dir. Club, NY & San Fran., 1924, 1926-27, 1929, 1932, 1943; Sesqui-Centenn. Expo., Phila., 1926; Brooklyn Soc. Etchers, 1926, 1928; Soc. Am. Etchers, 1932; SI, 1937, 1942; Palo Alto AC; MMA, 1955.

Member: SAE; Artists Gld.; Phillips Mill AA; SI; Palo Alto AC

Comments: Teaching: Palo Alto AC, 1948-51. Illus.: American Heartwood," 1949; "Time to Remember," 1950; "Andrew Jackson," 1953; Calif. State Dept. of Educ. textbooks on Mexico, 1955-58; "Luis of Guadalajara;" "The People of Mexico;" "Adventures of Nicolas" (1955-58), and other textbooks for nat. publishers.

Sources: WW59; WW47."

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