Biografie von W(illiam) C. F. GILLAM (1867-1962)

Birth place: Brighton, England

Death place: Sonoma County, CA

Addresses: Burlingame, CA

Profession: Painter, etcher, designer, architect

Exhibited: Oakland Art Gallery, 1928; Calif. State Lib., 1951; Calif. State Fair, 1930 (prize).

Member: Calif. SE; Palo Alto AC; Berkeley Lg. FA

Work: State Lib. Print Rooms, Sacramento; St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Burlingame; St. David's Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh; Church of Latter Day Saints, Elmhurst and Oakland; Hambrook House, Sussex, England; Provincial Normal Sch., Victoria; Queen Mary H.S., Vancouver, BC

Sources: WW40; Hughes, Artists of California, 208.

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