Biografie von Paul R. SCHUMANN (1876-?)

Birth place: Reichersdorf, Germany

Addresses: Galveston, TX in 1881 & living there in 1941

Profession: Marine painter, landscape painter, teacher

Studied: Stockfeldt.

Exhibited: Dallas, 1924 (gold); Nashville, 1925 (prize); Salons of Am., 1925; Dallas Women's Forum, 1927 (prize); SSAL, 1929 (prize); West Texas Fair, San Angelo (prize); Waco Cotton Palace, Waco, TX (prizes); Midwestern Art Exh., Kansas City AI, 1935 (prize); NOAA, 1935 (prize).

Member: SSAL; Texas FAA; NOAA Galveston AL; Springfield (IL) AA.

Work: Dallas Woman's Forum, Art Dept.; Sch. of Painting, Ft. Worth; Rosenberg Lib., Galveston; Springfield (IL) AA; Vanderpoel AA, Chicago.

Sources: WW40; P&H Samuels, 429.

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