Biografie von Harry Reuben REYNOLDS (1898-1974)

Birth place: Centerburg, OH

Death place: Utah

Addresses: Logan, UT

Profession: Art historian, photographer, painter, critic, teacher

Studied: AIC; State Univ. Iowa, 1939-40; Brooks Inst. Photography, 1961; Sandzen; B.J.O. Norfeldt; G. Wood; L. Randolph; O. Oldfield; R. Stackpole.

Exhibited: SFMA, 1931; Oakland Art Gal., 1928-29, 1932; Utah State Fair, 1936 (prize); Salt Lake City AC(solo); AIC, 1923 (med.).

Member: Utah AI.

Work: Bethany College, Lindsborg, KS; Utah State Fair Coll.; Ogden Pub. Sch.; Branch Agriculture College, Cedar City, UT; Logan (UT) H.S.; Polk Sch., Odgen; photo murals, College Hill & Logan LDS Temple, Cache Co., UT, 1947 & Cache Co. scenes, Bluebird Candy Co., Logan, 1947.

Comments: Teaching: Utah State Univ., 1923-, cur. galleries, 1967-. Collections arranged: Faculty Show Multimedia, 1967, Concrete & Abstract, 1968, Ansel Adams Photog Exh., 1968 & Forms Upon The Frontier, Folk Life and Folk Arts, 1968.

Sources: WW73; WW47.

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