Biografie von William Lewis LESTER (1910-1991)

Birth place: Graham, TX

Addresses: came to Dallas in 1924; Austin, TX in 1942

Profession: Painter, teacher, lithographer

Studied: A. Hogue; T. Stell, Dallas Art Inst.; Olin Travis' art camp, Cass

Exhibited: "Nine Young Dallas Artists," 1932; Joseph Sartor Art Gal., 1932 (solo); Texas State Fair Exh., 1933; Rockefeller Center, NY, 1935; Texas Centennial, 1936; Lawrence Art Gal., 1936; Pan-Am. Expo, 1937; WFNY 1939; GGE, 1939; PAFA, 1940-41; BM, 1941; San Diego FA Soc., 1941; AIC, 1941-42; VMFA, 1946; Colorado Springs FAC, 1946; MMA; Passedoit Gal.; NAD; WMAA; Corcoran Gal. biennials, 1951, 1953; PAFA Ann., 1952, 1954. Awards: Dallas Co. All. Arts Exh., 1931, 1937 (A. Harris & Co. Purchase Prize), 1938 (Lawrence Pollock & E.M. Kahn Co. Purchase Prize), 1940 (Kiest Fund Prize); Witte Mem. Mus., 1941; Texas Print annual, 1941; Texas General, 1945.

Member: Dallas Mus. FA; Dallas Artists Lg.; Lone Star PM

Work: Dallas Mus. FA; Texas Tech. College; MMA; Houston Mus. FA; Witte Mem. Mus.; Am. Embassy, Paris; PAFA; Am. Acad. Arts & Letters; murals, Woodrow Wilson H.S., Boude Storey Jr. H.S.; Meadows Mus., SMU, Dallas, TX

Comments: One of the "Dallas Nine", an influential group of regional artists in Texas in the 1930s. Positions: staff artist, CCC, Palo Duro; teacher, Dallas MFA, 1940-; professor of art, Univ. Texas, Austin, TX, 1942-; chairman of art dept., Univ. Texas, 1952-. Contributor to Life magazine.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Stewart, Lone Star Regionalism, 173-76 (w/repros.); Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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