Biografie von Emily Clayton BISHOP (1892-1912)

Birth place: Smithsburg, MD

Addresses: Smithsburg, MD; Philadelphia, PA, 1904-12 (with several summers spent in Europe)

Profession: Sculptor

Studied: Maryland Inst. of Art, grad. 1904; PAFA, 1904-11 (won 2 Cresson Traveling Scholarships); England, Holland, Italy, Greece

Exhibited: PAFA, 1907-1912 (3 works were shown in 1912), 1913 (19 works were shown as a memorial); Pan.-Pacific Expo., San Fran., 1915 (16 works exh. as a memorial)

Work: Commissions: memorial tablet for the Academy of Music, Phila.

Comments: Cresson scholarships allowed Bishop to study in Europe, and by 1908 she had established her own studio in Paris. When she graduated from PAFA in 1911 she was regarded as one of the most promising of America's younger sculptors. Bishop shared a studio in Philadelphia with Beatrice Fenton and received commissions which placed her friezes, sculptures and bas-reliefs in many public buildings. She died at age 28 from an undiagnosed illness.

Sources: Art by American Women: ...the Collection of L.and A. Sellars, 143.

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